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Stella Kietel shares her Shine breakthough

Stella Keitel, Performance Leader at Roche & Sourdough Baker

Shine was recommended to me after I shared my feelings of being stuck and not quite satisfied in my job ...


Shine changed everything for me, and way beyond just my job.

Shine had been recommended to me by a dear colleague after I shared my feelings of being stuck and not quite satisfied inmy job. Up to this point, my career had been the result of taking opportunities as they came and I felt happy to be offered great chances for development regularly in an amazing company like Roche. But despite working in a lovely team, contributing to enabling patients access to medicines around the globe, Idid not really feel passionate about my every-day job, which left me almost feeling guilty.

The Solution

It was two hours into the program when it dawned on me that I admired values I didn’t dare to fully embrace myself at home and at work.

It was the atmosphere in the Bavarian countryside that had put me in the right mindset for finding myself; far away from home and work. I was with a group of fabulous women with various backgrounds, everyone was equal, encouraged to be vulnerable and for the first time, I dared to face reality and ask myself “How are you feeling Stella? What are your core values and are you living up to them? What do you want your life to be and what is holding you back?”.

It was two hours into the program when it dawned on me that I admired values I didn’t dare to fully embrace myself at home and at work, that I had projected the feeling of being stuck in my private life onto my job, that I was waiting for somebody else to make my dreams come true because I never dared to admit that I wasn’t alright and I realised that things wouldn’t just vanish if I continued putting on a strong face.

I left Shine with so much awareness for what I really wanted for my private and professional life in the short-, mid- and longterm, that I felt scared and utterly excited and energized at once.

The Result

I’ve made my goals happen and so much more.

I did not pull my life upside down all of a sudden.It felt much more as if I had a new-found sense of responsibility for my own happiness that created a shift from wanting my surroundings to change, to changing my life myself.

So today, less than a year later, I reviewed my 5-year goals and almost didn’t believe my eyes when realising that I have started to make every single one of them happen and so much more.

Since attending Shine I trained to become an executive coach, I changed my job, I made some significant changes in my private life and started to teach other people how to bake sourdough bread virtually – and the global pandemic we are in was more of a booster than a barrier.

This didn’t happen overnight. I worked on a few changes very deliberately and others felt like ‘they just happened’, as a result of living up to my core value of being my authentic self every day.

Finding yourself is the biggest gift you can give, to you.

I feel Shine has enabled me to be aware of the full spectrum of myself. When signing up forShine I explained to my friends and family half joking that I was attending a‘finding myself-seminar’. Today I know this was true and that finding yourself is a beautiful life-long journey, the biggest gift you can give to yourself.

If you would like to know more about Stella and her journey,  follow @sourdough_soulfood on Instagram.

I left Shine with so much awareness for what I really wanted for my private and professional life in the short-, mid- and longterm, that I felt scared and utterly excited and energized at once.

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